
FAQ - Answers to your questions

Welcome to our DigiSocial FAQ page! Here you will find answers to frequently asked questions about our products and services. If you have any further questions, we are always here to assist you. Feel free to contact us, and we will do our best to answer your queries.

About us

Get to know us

We are Ivo Bruijnaers, Souleiman Soulami, and Lars Soeterboek, a group of experienced online marketers with backgrounds in sales, marketing, and online marketing. Together, we founded DigiSocial to help organizations improve their digital advertising performance and online presence. We provide support in various areas, including online marketing, ad account management, education, and consulting to boost businesses, services, or products. With over 6 years of experience in online marketing, we share a common vision and mindset to enhance the quality of digital marketing.

DigiSocial was founded in September 2022 by three Dutch social advertising experts who met during their careers at Meta. The company is officially registered as a limited liability company (UG, Unternehmergesellschaft haftungsbeschränkt) in Berlin, Germany in February 2023.

We started DigiSocial due to our shared vision of social media advertising. Our mission is to utilize our knowledge, share it, and continuously strive for growth. Through DigiSocial, we can maximize our strengths and goals through our informal drive and collaboration. With our diverse backgrounds and skills, we complement each other as a start-up and are confident in providing valuable support to many businesses.

Facility Management at NHTV Breda

Small Business & Retail Management at Avans in ‘s-Hertogenbosch

Commercial Economics at HAN University in Nijmegen


We have various certificates in Meta and social media advertising. Additionally, within the organization, we have been trained as coaches and mentors. We have all completed further education in the fields of entrepreneurship, sales & marketing, and we continuously strive to develop ourselves within the industry, placing great importance on ongoing professional development.

Some examples of our certificates include:

  • Meta Certified Digital Marketing Associate
  • Meta Certified Creative Strategy Professional
  • Meta Certified Media Planning Professional
  • Meta Certified Media Buying Professional
  • Meta Certified Community Manager
  • Pinterest Certified Badge for Business
  • Tiktok Certified Online Marketing for Businesses

Would you like to have these certifications too? Take a look at our DigiSocial Academy

You can sign up on our website www.digisocial.nl. At the bottom of our homepage, you will find the newsletter subscription form. Alternatively, you can also subscribe by sending us an email at hello@digisocial.nl.

You can find our mission and vision on our website through this link. You will also find more information about who we are, how we originated, and our way of working.

At DigiSocial, transparency, responsibility, and innovation are important to us. Our mission is to assist organizations in achieving their online marketing goals in a rapidly changing market. We listen to the wishes of our partners and adjust our approach after effective discussions.

Our focus is on delivering high-quality services that meet the specific needs of our customers to ensure their satisfaction. We also provide support and information at every step of using our various services.

We blijven investeren in onze diensten en samenwerken met onze klanten om onze groei te blijven stimuleren en de klanttevredenheid te verhogen.

Our company is a start-up that has invested a lot of time and energy in ensuring high quality from the very beginning. We have been a UG organization since February 2023 and are new to the market. However, this does not mean that we lack experience. We have all worked at Meta and are certified experts with excellent knowledge. We are here to assist you. If you are interested in collaborating, you can schedule an introductory meeting with us through this link.

Our company currently has four employees.

Ivo Bruijnaers, Souleiman Soulami, Lars Soeterboek, and Floki. These employees are the co-founders of this organization. Before we grow as a company, we want to ensure 100% service, satisfaction, and quality right from the beginning before taking further steps to expand our organization. Floki is our happiness manager, ensuring that everyone is driven and motivated.

We perceive the support and other organizations in the market currently as a platform where you are unsure if the person/organization you choose is the right fit for your needs. There is a wide range of offerings from freelancers, agencies, and independent professionals eager to work in online marketing. We take pride in providing top-quality support and expertise in the field of sales and online marketing. All our employees are certified and have a minimum of 3 years of experience in managing various advertising accounts. Additionally, we have developed a streamlined system for tracking and analyzing all results, enabling us to quickly respond to potential opportunities. Contact us for an introductory conversation via this link.

We collaborate with our partners through daily interaction via chat, email, and phone. We are actively engaged in your advertising accounts on a daily basis, providing fast service and accessibility.

Here you can find the terms and conditions of our privacy policy.

We can be reached through various channels. If you are not yet a customer, you can reach us at hello@digisocial.nl or through the contact form on our website. In addition, our customers have access to various channels to contact us, including video chat, online chat, phone, direct email, and other available options within our organization. If you are interested in becoming a customer and would like to schedule a 30-minute conversation, please take a look at our schedule and agenda  via this link to our website.

Within DigiSocial, the development of online marketing is a top priority. We have various channels through which we track these developments. We have different training programs that staff members participate in and certifications that are obtained to ensure ongoing development. We are a dedicated team where quality, communication, flexibility, and transparency are important. We continuously strive to monitor and improve our quality and service.

Via our website, you can sign up for our newsletter at the bottom of each page. Additionally, we are active on social media platforms where we regularly post updates, allowing you to stay informed about our latest activities. We also maintain a blog where you can find the latest updates and developments.

Our opening hours are from 9:00 am to 5:30 pm from Monday to Friday.

You can review us in different ways. You can use platforms like Facebook and Google, or you can use our review form that we will send to you.

Social Advertising

Our services

No, there are no costs associated with the introductory consultation. The purpose of the introductory conversation is to get a sense of our organization and to gain initial insights into the support we can provide. We prepare the advertising account and ensure that you leave the introductory conversation with new knowledge and ideas. Additionally, you can ask us questions about the services we offer, associated costs, and any other inquiries you may have.

As a social media expert, I often get asked whether a business should be on social media, especially on the constantly evolving social media platform Meta. The answer is a resounding yes! Social media can be a powerful tool for businesses of all sizes, and Meta offers a unique opportunity to reach a massive audience of potential customers. In this post, we’ll explore some reasons why social media is beneficial for businesses on Meta and how you can use it to grow your brand and connect with a wide audience.

Reach a broader audience

One of the key advantages of social media, especially on Meta, is the potential to reach a massive audience. With nearly 3 billion active users on Meta, your business has the opportunity to connect with people from all over the world who are interested in your products or services. By creating engaging content and targeting your audience, you can quickly grow your following and expand your reach.

If you want to learn how to create engaging content and reach the wider audience on Meta, check out our social media services.

Build brand awareness

Social media is an excellent platform for building brand awareness and recognition. By consistently posting and engaging with the audience, you can establish your brand as an authority in the industry and build a loyal following. Meta offers unique features like Facebook Groups and Messenger that can help you create a community around your brand and foster customer loyalty.

If you want to learn how to use Facebook Groups and Messenger to build a community around your brand, book a consultation with us.

Increase website traffic and sales

Social media can also be an effective way to drive traffic to your website and increase sales. By sharing links to your website and promoting your products or services on social media, you can encourage your followers to visit the website and make a purchase. With Meta’s powerful advertising tools, you can create targeted ads that are shown to people who are highly likely to be interested in your products or services.

In summary, social media is an excellent tool for businesses of all sizes, especially on Meta, where you can reach a massive audience and grow your brand. By creating engaging content, building a community, and using targeted advertising, you can leverage social media to increase website traffic and sales. If you’re ready to take your social media presence to the next level, book a consultation with us today.

As a social media expert, one of the most frequently asked questions I receive is “How do I find my target audience for my business online?” That’s a great question because identifying a target audience is a crucial first step in creating a successful online presence. In this post, we will walk through the steps to find your target audience so you can create content and marketing strategies that resonate with them and grow your business.

Define your ideal customer

Before you can find your target audience online, you need to define your ideal customer. This includes factors such as age, gender, location, interests, and behavior. The more specific you can be, the better. Once you have a clear picture of the ideal customer, you can start determining where they spend their time online.

Use Social Media Analytics

Social media platforms like Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter provide powerful analytics tools that can help you identify your target audience. By analyzing data on existing followers and engagement, you can gain insights into the demographics and interests of the audience. You can also use tools like Facebook Insights to track engagement and determine which posts perform the best.

Research competitors

Another effective way to find your target audience is by researching your competitors. Look at who is engaging with their content and which platforms they are using. This can give you a good idea of where the audience spends their time online and what types of content they engage with.

Utilize Google Analytics

Google Analytics is a powerful tool that can help you understand the behavior of your website visitors. You can use it to track which pages are most popular, how long visitors stay on the site, and which keywords generate traffic. By analyzing this data, you can identify the characteristics of your website visitors and adjust your content and marketing strategies accordingly.

In conclusion, finding your target audience is crucial for creating a successful online presence. By defining your ideal customer, using social media analytics, researching competitors, and utilizing Google Analytics, you can gain valuable insights into the demographics and behavior of your target audience. When you need assistance in identifying your target audience and creating a marketing strategy that resonates with them, feel free to contact me to schedule an appointment.

The costs of our service will be discussed during the 30-minute conversation once we have discussed the needs and goals of the business.

DigiSocial Academy

Our certified courses

There are no specific admission requirements for DigiSocial Academy. However, it is advisable to make use of the learning materials provided before and after our two-day training. We will cover this information during the training. For individuals without prior knowledge, it typically takes around 10-15 hours of study to obtain the Meta certification. Experienced social media marketers are also welcome, and the additional learning time outside of our program would be approximately 1-5 hours, depending on their level of experience.

DigiSocial Academy currently costs €1000 per person for a two-day training program. This amount includes the Meta certificate, online meeting location, and all associated tools and documents.

The program of DigiSocial Academy can be obtained by signing up for the information form on our website through this link. Through our information form, you will receive more clarity about our program, the schedule, the various trainers, additional costs, extra information, and requirements.


Unanswered questions?

We have created a comprehensive FAQ page to address the most frequently asked questions. If you still have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact us. Our team is ready to assist you further and answer your inquiries.

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