Success case paardenspul

Gallop to Success!

In the successful collaboration between Paardenspul Judith Beukema and Digisocial, Judith, with advice from Digisocial, independently managed campaigns. This optimized her online presence and leveraged the maximum value from her business account. Digisocial, as dedicated consultants, provided support and developed a custom dashboard. This enables Judith to view her account daily, analyze results, and refine her strategies in a data-driven manner.

The numbers speak for themselves!

Our partnership with Paardenspul resulted in 2023
Growth purchase value
1 %
Growth Roas
revenue increase​
1 %

What does Paardenspul say?

About Paardenspul

Quality for the big four-legged friends

Discover Paardenspul Judith Beukema, the number 1 specialist in affordable, high-quality horse gear. As a leading supplier, we understand that horse gear is crucial not only for your riding performance but also for the well-being of your horse. That’s why they strive to offer high-quality products at a friendly price, making riding accessible to everyone. From trendy riding clothes to essential accessories for every season, at Paardenspul, you’ll find everything you need to ride comfortably and stylishly.


The power of data

Digisocial has conducted extensive data analyses and market research, leading to tailored advice and support in optimizing Judith’s online performance. The efforts resulted in the implementation of a comprehensive full-funnel marketing strategy within the Meta platform.

Achieved Goals

Impressive results

Even more impressive is the achievement of the revenue goal for 2023 well in advance, with key events such as Black Friday and Christmas still ahead. With established momentum and strategies, Judith Beukema’s business is poised to thrive.

*Shared information has been aligned with Paardenspul

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